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BPHE od spoločnosti SWEP sa nevyrovnajú žiadne vysokokapacitné priemyselné chladiace zariadenia

Priemyselné chladiace zariadenia sa dodávajú v rozličných veľkostiach a prevedeniach. Pri vysoko kapacitných chladiacich zariadeniach sa už tradične používajú rúrkové tepelné výmenníky, no BPHE od spoločnosti SWEP to začínajú meniť. Sú výkonné, no malé, a dokonale sa hodia pre väčšinu priemyselných systémov.

Účinné vykurovanie národnej budovy v čínskom Pekingu

Národná budova, jedna z najväčších halových stavieb na svete, potrebovala spoľahlivé a účinné vykurovanie priestorov a ohrev teplej vody.

Geothermal stack of brazed plate heat exchangers

Geothermal energy storage is a new energy-saving application with promising future growth potential. Reduced fossil fuel burning and a 95% reduction of CO2 emissions are clear advantages of this system.

Environmentally friendly supermarket

Keeping food fresh with CO2 and brine. Supermarket refrigeration systems commonly use synthetic refrigerants such as R404A and R22.

Ecology meets economy in a sustainable office building

The Slovak city of Košice has recently seen the construction of a new and innovative building – the EcoPoint Office Center. 

Clean or untreated water? A brazed plate heat exchanger works with both

Industries around the world have to face the challenge of water contamination due to insufficient filtration. The untreated water affects the equipment used in the process plant and is also a major issue for any component where water is used for system processes, for example heat exchangers.

Container with cooling capacity

Cooling facilities in ambient temperatures of up to 50 °C are a well-known challenge in the industry.  SWEP's containerized, Energy Transfer Stations for district cooling provide the solution.

What happened to all that sticky oil?

Most travelers on passenger ships will probably never have the chance to see the impressive machinery needed to run the ship. To keep the machinery going, the ship needs different kinds of oils to work properly. However, fuel oil is not directly usable when delivered to the ship, because the water it contains must be removed first. This separation process would not work unless the oil viscosity was lowered using a SWEP brazed plate heat exchanger.

Small details count on the high seas

Designing and constructing marine engines is one of the biggest challenges a manufacturer can face. As well as meeting tough demands for accessibility and output, the engines must be able to withstand huge stresses, depending on the load and climatic conditions. And space is a critical variable — the more compact the engine, the more space there is for cargo, and the simpler it is to carry out maintenance.

Turkey promotes a more sustainable society

Turkey is currently experiencing an increase in population combined with an urbanization rate that has risen rapidly, from 53% in 1990 to 75% in 2008. New buildings are constantly being erected in urban areas, and it is necessary to find cost-effective ways to save energy. 

Nefit goes for AsyMatrix®

Dutch company Nefit uses our heat exchanger based on the AsyMatrix® concept in the company’s boilers.

Segmentu s luxusnými produktami záleží na ekológii

BMW Hydrogen 7 – prvé vodíkom poháňané luxusné vozidlo na svete – predstavili ho na medzinárodnom autosalóne v Los Angeles.