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Critical IT equipment requires efficient cooling

When the India-based IT company Infosys Technologies Ltd. selected Schneider Electric to install a system for a Data Center Cooling application, Schneider decided to opt for an efficient SWEP brazed plate heat exchanger.

Účinné chladenie datacentra Infosys.

Keď si indická IT firma Infosy Technologies Ltd. vybrala spoločnosť Scheinder Eletric na montáž chladiaceho systému pre datacentrum, Schneider Electric sa rozhodla pre účinné spájkované doskové tepelné výmenníky (BPHE) firmy SWEP.

Heat exchangers bring 34% higher capacity to new energy transfer station

More power and less maintenance combined with reliable operation. The new energy transfer station in Danish Glostrup have found a cost-effective solution with two of SWEP’s B649 brazed plate heat exchangers.

Dutch tap water

Due to safety reasons, during the past decades, the Dutch market has opted for double-wall tap water brazed plate heat exchangers in their district heating networks. 

BPHE vo veterných turbínach

Veterná energia je jednou z najúspornejších a najrýchlejšie rastúcich technológií obnoviteľnej energie súčasnosti.

Anglický supermarket si okresal uhlíkovú stopu pomocou inovatívnej technológie

Reťazcu supermarketov Sainsbury sa podarilo výrazne znížiť uhlíkovú stopu svojich vykurovacích a chladiacich systémov v supermarkete v anglickom Kente s rozlohou 864 m2. Podarilo sa im to pomocou inovatívnych technológií a inteligentného systému na správu energie.

Shining a light on tomatoes

A single J624 from GE Energy with an output of 4 MW can cover the power needs of about 9,000 European households. Moreover, this flagship is helping to shine a light on Dutch tomatoes consumed all over Europe. SWEP's B427 is an integral part of this impressive unit. 

Solárny ohrev

Moderné solárne kolektory sú čoraz účinnejšie. Okrem toho možnosť využívať absorpčný povrch inej než čiernej farby pomohla architektom odhaliť nové možnosti solárnych kolektorov.

Rank® Organic Rankine Cycle technology with applications in heat recovery solution

In a project involving ACCIONA and KEROS CERAMICA, RANK® has worked with SWEP to implement a heat recovery solution for electricity power generation.

Pure water cooling systems

In some applications, such as cooling of power electronics, ions are not desirable. Ions in the water may lead to short-circuit, or spark over in the electronic equipment.

Outokumpu cools machine shop using natural elements

Outokumpu – a world-leading company in custom-made products in coarse, special stainless steel (quarto) – has invested heavily in its rolling mill in Degerfors, Sweden. Cooling the machine shop to enable it to provide the best service to the rolling mill is of crucial importance.

Čistá energia, pri ktorej systém ORC recykluje odpadové teplo

Prijateľný a udržateľný zdroj energie je kľúčom k modernej spoločnosti i globálnemu hospodárstvu.